spirit of life &spencer trask memorial
In 1913, Katrina Trask and George Foster Peabody commissioned a memorial in honor of Spencer Trask’s work in preserving and protecting the healing waters of Saratoga Springs in Congress Park.
Originally developed in 1806, Congress Park is a National Landmark and a critical component of historic Saratoga Springs. The Spirit of Life and Spencer Trask Memorial was a major feature of the park’s expansion in 1913.
Dan Wilson of TRW was the lead architect for the restoration of this important memorial. Working with Martha Lyon Landscape Architecture, LLC, we developed a landscaping plan returning Leavitt’s design, dealt with modern site constraints and balanced the needs of the masonry memorial with the needs of returning the landscape to its historic condition.
Preservation League of New York State - Excellence in Historic Preservation
American Society of Landscape Architects Upstate Chapter, Historic Preservation Merit Award
American Public Works Association Capital Branch, Historical Restoration/Preservation Less Than $5M